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Study Skills


Preparing to Study


Choose a quiet, well lit place free of interruptions Keep a supply of study materials you may need, including pens, pencils, references, and calculator.

Select an area which has enough room and storage space.

Keep the area free of clutter. Use the same place for studying every day.

Turn off the TV, cell phone, radio and computer. No distractions!




Use an assignment book or an agenda planner to write down homework, test, and project due dates.

Clean out book bags and lockers on a regular basis.

Keep all notes, handouts and materials on one subject together in the same folder/binder. Color coding folders and notebooks by subject can be helpful.

A three-ring binder is great for keeping handouts, notes and tests arranged in a certain order.


Time Management


Determine the goals and priorities in your schedule.

Using your agenda book, plan a weekly study schedule, taking into account upcoming tests, quizzes and project due dates.

Break up tasks into manageable and meaningful chunks.

Stay up to date with class assignments.

Review class notes and assignments daily.


Active Participation


Try to sit in a position in class which will maximize your attention and minimize distractions.

Be an active listener. Pay attention to class discussions, take notes and participate in class discussions.

Maintain an open dialogue with your teachers. When you do not understand something, request clarification during class or in the resource center.


Taking Notes


Preview chapter by skimming headings, vocabulary, charts, graphs, pictures and chapter summaries.

Read the text carefully. A single reading is usually not enough! Re-reading is critical.

Annotate the text in your own words, making sure to include key concepts, vocabulary. Keep record of what you do not understand, so you can request clarification from a teacher.

Date your notes and add headings for easy referencing.

Review notes by rereading, highlighting, or rewriting key points.


Test-Taking Tips


Plan a study schedule, keeping in mind the date of the test, the topics covered, the type of questions (matching, multiple choice, true/false, short essay) which will be on the test, and the text pages covered.

Daily review is essential- learning is more efficient when material is covered on a regular basis, rather than during one long session.

Staying up to date on assignments will help you learn consistently and efficiently.

Read through the test first, and ask questions on anything that is unclear. Take note of the scoring system, paying close attention to questions that are worth more points.

Answer the easiest questions first, making sure that answers are recorded in the correct place. Then concentrate on the questions that are more difficult.

Read over your answers carefully before handing in the test.

When you receive the test back, request from the teacher any help you may need on correcting and learning from your mistakes. Make sure you go over these again, to make sure you can answer those problems on your own.

KASD Statement

Kane Area School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex and handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX and Section 504.

For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Mrs. Linda Lorenzo Title IX Coordinator, Section 504 Coordinator, at Kane Area School District, 400 West Hemlock Avenue, Kane, PA 16735-1696 (814-837-9570).

For more information regarding services, activities and facilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, contact Mrs. Jeannine Kloss, Superintendent at 814-837-9570.

Mission, Vision & District Values

Mission Statement

The mission of the Kane Area School District is to provide all students with an engaging, safe and challenging learning environment that is shared and valued by all.

Vision Statement

The Kane Area School District will inspire our students, all inclusive, to thrive and be productive members of their communities.

Shared Values  

• We believe all students deserve a quality education. 
• We believe all students have the ability to learn.
• We believe in lifelong learning.
• We believe in effective communication and problem solving.
• We believe schools must promote healthy lifestyle choices and a safe environment.
• We believe education must prepare students to demonstrate 21st century skills in an ever changing global and technological society.  
• We believe education must develop the whole person.
• We believe learning communities encompass the entire family, community and school.
• We believe the KASD Board of Directors, administration, faculty and staff should be positive role models.
• We believe education must engage, empower and inspire students to become good citizens with a strong  work ethic.
• We believe everyone should put forth their best effort and everyone should be held accountable.
• We believe education should foster the development of self-respect and respect for others.

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